Health Benefits of Rice water for hair and skin


Health Benefits of Rice water for hair and skin i.e Rice water can also be used as a facial toner also the hair shines attractively. Rice water is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Increase your face beauty, Rice water face wash benefits!

Solutions to many of the health problems we face on a daily basis can be found in our kitchen. Experts say that these do not have any side effects on our body. In this order the rice washing water contains many nutrients. 

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Health Benefits of Rice water for hair and skin

At that time we hear the senior citizens saying that we are still healthy because of drinking porridge. There was hidden truth in their words. There are many benefits to our body through rice soaked water or rice boiled water (rice water). Let's get to know rice water benefits for health!

How to make how to make rice water at home?

Step One Soaking of Rice

  • Take half a cup of rice in a bowl and wash it clean.
  • Soak the rice in two to three cups of water for 30 minutes.
  • Soaked water should be separated into a clean bowl.

Step Two Cooking of Rice

  • Take a half cup of bean into a bowl and wash it clean.
  • Add twice as much water as you normally would to boil rice.
  • The remaining water should be taken into a clean bowl while the rice is cooking.

How does rice water help the face, whether it is Good for skin ..!

Rice water is rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Using this water in order to cleanse the skin makes our skin soft. In addition, doing so can provide relief from skin related problems.

Facial Toner: How to make rice water toner for face

Rice water can also be used as a facial toner. Pour this water on a cotton pad and apply it gently on the face. After soaking for a few minutes then rinse the face with cold water. Doing this at least twice a week will reduce the dryness of the skin. In addition the wrinkles on the skin are gradually reduced.

Can rice water Relief from sunburns ..!

High temperatures cause the skin to burn in sensitive areas. Rice water can be used at such times. Put a little of this water on a cotton pad and rub gently on the burnt areas. This will reduce the inflammation.

For healthy hair: How to use rice water for hair growth everyday..!

Washing the hair with rice water gives the hair the nutrients it needs. Also the hair shines attractively. For this, after bathing with shampoo, pour rice water on the scalp and massage so that the water reaches the scalp. After doing so for a few minutes then rinse the hair with clean water. Doing this twice a week will show the result.

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