Live Healthy Lifestyle: Do eating mangoes in summer is good or bad?


The sun on one side and the corona on the other hand. Like last year, this year too, these two thirties are putting people off. Fear of what to eat and Fear of overheating problem. Many people have doubts about what kind of food to take this summer and what to avoid.

eating mangoes in summer

What happens when we eat mangoes in summer season

On the advice of nutrition doctors and dietitian, it is advisable to consume more leafy vegetables and all types of vegetables along with having good vitamin C and dry fruits in this corona time along with dry, fast digesting food. Nowadays it seems very good to stay away from meat and red meat. Better to keep away from spicy and contains lots of masla try to avoid that kind of food in this summer season.

What happens if you eat mango everyday

Summer season also known as mango season‌. So everyone from children to adults are interested in eating mangoes. However, Dietitians, advise eating in moderation is good. The red meat, meat and mangoes mentioned now cause extreme heat. Eating excess mangoes will result, gastrointestinal diseases occur due to improper digestion.

It is better to drink water in pots than to drink water in the fridge. Cool drinks and ice creams are best kept away from children. It is not advisable to take these cold ingredients in corona time. Health experts advise consuming lemon juice, coconut water, turmeric milk and buttermilk.

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