Chocolate benefits: Facial glow with Chocolate change face more beautifully


On special occasions Chocolate benefits sweetening the mouth on happy occasions. Cosmetic experts say that it can change the face more beautifully. Try facial glow with chocolate face pack?

To remove greasy stains: Spoon cocoa powder, a tablespoon of finely ground cinnamon powder and a spoonful of honey to remove greasy stains. 

Apply this mixture on the face and neck, dry for half an hour and wash off. The antioxidants in this ointment remove germs from the skin. Remove scars. Gives oily softness and shine.

Take two bars of dark chocolate out of the fridge for a while and let it melt. Add a cup of milk, a spoon of sea-salt and three spoons of brown sugar to the face and neck and let it dry for 20 minutes. 

Chocolate benefits: Facial glow with Chocolate

The antioxidants in them remove free radicals that are harmful to the skin. It removes the grease stains on face. Trying this twice a week will show good results.

For dry skin: Add two spoons of fullers, earth powder, yoghurt, one tablespoon of lemon juice and coconut oil per cup of cocoa powder. 

Apply this mixture gently on the face and cleanse for a quarter of an hour. Lemon juice and yogurt close the pores and prevent dirt from entering. It works as moisturizer and keeps you face moist. The antioxidants in cocoa powder provide skin health.

Melt 50 grams of chocolate and add finely chopped banana, strawberry and watermelon pulp per cup and mix well. 

Apply this mixture all over the face and let it dry for 20 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. 

Apply these creams twice a week to cleanse the skin from the inside out. Keeps it moisturized and softens as well. These are even more beneficial for the skin in summer.

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