How to keep hair healthy in summer: Hair care home remedies


The effect of the sun is greater on the hairs. Excessive heat can cause the hair to become dull and brittle, as well as over-production of oils on the scalp, causing many problems such as hair breakage. If you want to escape from them and keep hair healthy in summer? It is OK to follow these hair care in summer home remedies.


How can i keep my hair healthy in summer?

  1. Prioritize a large percentage of hair to dry naturally after bathing. Use the dryer only when it is half dry, not when it is leaking too much water.
  2. Any products used for styling‌ must be re-bathed overnight. Otherwise, it is more likely that the hair will be slightly dry like combing.
  3. Bathe frequently during this period. Sweating can cause greasy allergies. Also use low concentration shampoos. Do not use very cold / hot water. Used combs should also be washed regularly.
  4. If the ends of the bushes look too dry, cut them off. Fresh greens and vegetables should be preferred. Drink at least eight glasses of water. Walking and short exercises should be part of the daily routine.
  5. Coat your hair with yogurt, aloe vera and banana once a week. Also apply oil to the scalp frequently.

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